Mental Health Reminders: Thoughts For the Soul
May 25 2022 • Written by: Sample Hubspot User

Mental Health Reminders: Thoughts For the Soul
Mental health is often something that we don't think about until it's too late. We go through our day-to-day lives, pushing ourselves to be the best we can be, and sometimes forget to take a step back and relax. In this blog post, I'm sharing some mental health reminders that can help us all find peace and happiness, regardless of the chaos going on around us.
So, if you're feeling overwhelmed, read on for some tips to help you take care of your mental health! These reminders will help keep your mind healthy and clear, so that you can continue moving towards a purposeful life. Enjoy!
It's Okay To Be Not Okay
We always hear this, and I will still say this. It’s safe to not be high-vibe and positive all the time. Life can be challenging and even when you feel alone in those challenges, you are not. It can be full of setbacks, challenges, delays, and failures, making you feel frustrated and in pain, and that's certainly okay!
Yes, we all want comfort, safety, success, and happiness. But it can't be a sunny day all the time! The truth is, without the lows you would not have gratitude for the highs. Some days, we cry. Sometimes we yell, scream, vent, or do whatever we should not do. And this doesn't make us not enough or worthless. We can all have good days and bad days. But none of those days determine our worth. You know who does determine your worth? YOU do.
The more you pressure yourself into having everything fixed and figured out, the more you will frustrate yourself. Sometimes it's okay just to let things be. Remember that one bad day or week doesn't mean a bad life. All the things we have to go through - the scary, discouraging, messy, and the unknown - will come together, creating a beautiful abundant life for you.
Have an Attitude of Gratitude
The secret to a happy life is rooted in gratitude. Sometimes we are so focused on things we don't have rather than things we have. This creates a cycle of feeling empty, not feeling good enough and lacking confidence. When you learn to shift your mindset to fall in love with the process, you will continuously expand.
Small wins are something we should all be celebrating. Getting out of bed, making your bed and having breakfast in the morning is a small victory for which you can thank yourself each day! Take a moment each day to reflect on a handful of things you are grateful for.
Remember that YOU MATTER
Our ego can sometimes feed us lies like we are not good enough, not pretty enough, talented enough, smart enough, rich enough, and so on. It will tell you that you should have already conquered all your goals or you should have the life society tells you to have. It will make you compare yourself to other people.
While it can motivate us, it can sometimes make you feel stuck and belittle yourself.
Stop. Take a breath. Remember that your story is still being written and that YOU MATTER. There are a lot of things that you can't do.
Remember that your life is as significant even if you feel like it's not.
You are allowed to have your own pace.
In this world where flexing is the thing, we often compare our journey with someone else's. And when things aren't how we want them to be, we stress ourselves out.
We all have different mountains to climb and roads to travel, and it's okay to take it according to your own pace. However, sometimes we are so involved in the race to surpass others that we fail to honor our growth. Worse, we get into other kinds of competitions, which take a lot of our mental space. It never makes sense when we compare our chapter 1 to someones else's chapter 5.
These unhealthy competitions can affect our mental health. Trust your process and journey, and consider yourself a human being who sometimes needs a pause.
Pamper yourself
Don't forget to treat yourself with love, kindness, and respect. Make your mental, emotional, and spiritual health a priority. Take time to watch your favorite movie, read a book, play out in the yard with your dog, or do any activity you love that can calm you down. You deserve it! We all do.
Move your body daily.
Going out and exercising is probably the last thing that comes to mind when you feel down. You might think that exercise is exhausting and prefer to sleep in over a morning walk. However, physical activity releases endorphins helping us feel good and motivated for the day. There's no denying it would make you feel so much better after. It's not just because your body has moved; it can also be a "win" for that day.
Take a breath and Give yourself some QUIET time.
Nowadays, the world tends to believe in this "hustle culture" to the point that we forget that we sometimes need peace, calmness, and the absence of noise. You don't have to run your race all the time. It's not always okay to be constantly busy. Nothing is worth sacrificing your health.
There's no shame in taking a pause, a breath, a break, and taking time for yourself. Again, you deserve it.
It usually comes to our mind that we are alone, especially in times of struggle. It's also easy to assume that everyone is doing just fine when they are dealing with something deep inside. We can all be subjects of works of life. That is why it is important to remember that you are not alone.
It is safe to ask for help. You can reach out to someone you trust: a friend or a family. Inside my group coaching program, Milli Evolution you will be surrounded and supported by women who are just like you, on a mission to live out their dreams.
You are good enough just the way you are
Know that you are more than your thoughts and what others think about you. You are stronger and that you are more than enough. We are all incredibly unique, and we can bring our own gifts to the world. Your perspective, methods and ways of doing things are unique and special. Always remember that.
Give yourself the permission to be imperfect because what usually happens is that we lose our authentic selves when we try so hard to be perfect. Perfection is totally a myth!
Be yourself, and let your light shine. Keep your fire burning, and keep going. Remember that being YOU is more important than being perfect.
Your mind only flowers the seed you plant
Our mind is a sacred garden; whatever we plant in it, it flowers. Be more mindful of what you feed your minds with. Because most of the time, our thoughts can have so much power to change our reality.
It can be tough to control what goes in our minds, but by being aware, we can at least track them, and when we find ourselves growing the seed of weed, we can bring ourselves to that area and uproot it.
You are allowed to burn some bridges that prevent your growth.
All our lives, we always believe in relationships and hold onto them against all odds. However, there can be a point in our lives when we need to let them go. Sometimes we need to let go of toxicity, gift ourselves with peace and save ourselves. And it is definitely okay to do that.
Yes, there are gems that we should hold on to no matter what. But there are also certain relations that, instead of helping us grow, make us stuck or drag us down instead. It is better to let go than fail to bloom and grow.
Detaching from Social Media is Fine
In this world where social media presence seems necessary, it is often seen as odd if you don't have one. However, it is partly true that social media negatively impacts our mental health as we tend to live up to what we see on social media. That is why don't feel bad about taking social media breaks. Think about what else you could be doing instead.
Final Thoughts:
We hope these mental health reminders provide you with some thoughts for the soul. If you need more support, we invite you to learn more about our group coaching program Milli Evolution. Our team is dedicated to your growth and well-being. What was your favorite reminder? Let us know in the comments below!